page numbers
(c) Mert Carpenter Photography
Ashton Tate
IS Bearing Products
Ballroom in holiday decor -- LTC works closely with Mert Carpenter Photography to create stunning and sophisticated imagery relating to the hospitality industry.
Ashton-Tate -- Design, layout, and production.
For this MacWorld booth, LTC designed banners, shirts, and collateral art around Ashton-Tate's theme, "You Asked We Listened."
I.S. Bearing Products -- Illustration, logo design, ads, packaging.
From Speed Spray to Bearing Puller, the comprehensive look & feel of this skateboard bearing product line was designed by LTC.
Trimble Navigation
Wendy J. Taylor & Associates
(c) Mert Carpenter Photography
Trimble Navigation Systems -- Layout, production, photo art direction.
LTC adapted Trimble's existing design standards, creating datasheets and other company collateral.
Wendy J. Taylor & Associates -- Writing, design, and production.
This brochure was designed as part of WJT's promotional campaign.
Great America amusement park -- Photography of grounds and retail interiors. LTC and Mert Carpenter Photography teamed up to capture the atmosphere of the park.

(c) 1998 - 2025 Lampert Technical Communications, Inc.
All copyrights and trademarks belong to the creators and the respective companies. Reproduction is not permitted.